I've been using this now, off and on, for a few weeks. As you can see above, the oil comes in a nail polish-like bottle with a brush. You just use the brush to drape the oil across the cuticles. I pile it on, actually. I like let the oil soak in a bit, and then I gently rub the oil into my cuticle and up my nail.
My nails are, right now, in a rebuilding stage. Somewhere along the line I used a product that hindered more than it helped. As you can see in the above picture, my free edge is looking kind of weak and peely. This was caused by a product (and I can't even be sure what I used!) that didn't help me at all. I'm using a few Barielle products to help me see it thru!
DISCLAIMER: Some products used in this post were provided to me by the company for consideration. This blog is written and edited by me, and the opinions are not influenced in any way and are not compensated. Please read this post for more information.