Well, well, well. Here I am again. I'm at the same place I've been more times than I can count lately - I'm at "I'M BACK TO BLOGGING!"
But am I?
I have said this about 3 times in 2019 alone. I miss blogging. I really do. Sometimes I dream about it. I wonder what's changed and what people like and what they recommend. Once I realized I really still cared about those things, I knew I needed to come back.
But how is this time different?
I've got a calendar now. I'm going to keep on top of posting by scheduling everything ahead of time. Like this post - I wrote this 4 days ago haha I do plan to sit down and outline postings a few weeks ahead so that I can stay on top of things. I am hoping to blog about anything that comes to mind - so it won't always be beauty. I'm going to start out two days a week - Tuesday and Thursday. Then I might add in Sunday... or switch to Monday-Wednesday-Friday. At this point, I'm not sure haha!
Can you share how you keep track of things? Do you make lists? Plan ahead? Do you have specific dates or times that you post? Give me your tips and tricks!