Random Mani Tuesday with Indigo Bananas!

Kind of a low-key day around here... and actually, it's been pretty low-key around here lately. I've just not felt much like blogging, but I know I need to. It's therapeutic for me, and I really need therapy! haha I've started dabbling in some nail art lately, and so I figure that's what I need to be showing off!

For this look, I used a base of Indigo Bananas Rubidium Rhod, and then used a eyeshadow applicator and dabbed Indigo Bananas Carbon Dallas on top of Rubidium Rhod. It's a take on the plastic wrap manis that I love, and this one is much more neat! There was very little clean-up because you have more control with the eyeshadow applicator. I will definitely use this more often!

This one really isn't art so much as an accent nail hahah I used Indigo Bananas Sleeping Beauty as an accent nail with Carbon Dallas. It's a very pretty deep blue jelly with color-shifting flakies.

You can purchase these polishes (and others!) at the Indigo Bananas' website in both full-size bottles and minis! I love minis. :)

**DISCLAIMER** I was not paid for this review by anyone. I either purchased these products myself or was given it as a gift.