Our town has been pretty much underwater for a week or more. Highways and streets closed, school called off, events canceled.
To the left of my porch as you come out of the house...
Left half of the front yard...
Right half of the front yard...
Our side yard, looking over into the neighbor's yard...
flowerbed with solar lamps collapsed in it... and my poor scary bunny...
Something's gotta give. We haven't stayed in our house overnight since Sunday. SUNDAY, PEOPLE. I miss my bed. I miss watching my television, I MISS MY TIVO.
The flood waters aren't up in our house. The flood waters are making the sewer back up. Into our bathtub. GROSS STICKY ICKY TOILET PAPER IS SPEWING ALL OVER MY SIDE YARD. We can't use the bathroom, which is virtually impossible with a 6-yr-old.
UGH And did I mention we live in the part of town that doesn't flood? Yeah, that tells you how bad off the rest of the town is!