I got some cool polish from Traci at The Trace Face Philes. It's a brand called Funky Fingers, and you can only get them at this store called 5Below. There are none of these stores anywhere near me, of course lol
Anyway, so I had the color called 220 Volts on and decided to dress it up. I chose Zoya Sooki (red) and Pure Ice Superstar (white) ... and was stumped. I ended up doing alternating tips. It was actually kind of lame. Then I realized it was patriotic lol
**DISCLAIMER** I was not paid for this review by anyone. I either purchased these polishes myself or were given gifts as friends because I could not find the particular shade I wanted myself. I am not a professional nail tech, nor do I want to be. I'm just someone who enjoys polishing my own nails :)
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