The one with WnW Fantasy Makers Creepy Pumpkin

Welcome to Day 3 of Orange Week! I have for you today one of the new Wet n Wild Fantasy Makers polishes, Creepy Pumpkin. The bottles are sooooo cute! The are shaped like tombstones with R.I.P. is big bold black letters :) This polish is a bright, cheery orange PACKED with glitter. But the formula was very thin. So sheer that even have 4 coats, I still had VNL. The glitter kind of distracted from that, tho:
Indoors with flash
Glittery! I pick this polish up when I made my first trip to Ulta a week or so ago. I got the other three 2011 Fantasy Makers, too. I can never have enough Wet n Wild :)

 **DISCLAIMER**  I was not paid for this review by anyone. I either purchased these polishes myself or were given gifts as friends because I could not find the particular shade I wanted myself.  I am not a professional nail tech, nor do I want to be. I'm just someone who enjoys polishing my own nails :)