The one with Spoiled Pumping Gas!

So Wet n Wild has this new polish line floating around out there. It's called Spoiled and it doesn't fit in the display with the other WnW polishes. It has it's own display! I should have taken a picture of the display I ran across, but I was too excited to see all 72 colors in the collection that I wasn't thinking.

Today I have for you Pumping Gas, a greyed out brown. Formula is really nice on these polishes. But the brush? I don't like the way the brush looks, but it ended up being VERY functional for me. I've noticed when I use these polishes, I never have to do clean-up on my manis....apparently this is exactly the right brush I need! It's a flat paddle type brush, like what some of the Sally Hansen polishes have. But the thing is, I could never get the brush to work for me with other polishes. Pictured is two coats.
Indoors with direct flash
It just looks so smooth. And I have to note, no clean-up. That's such a plus! This brush is just shaped perfectly for my nails. I believe these polishes are a CVS exclusive, but maybe, just maybe, they will end up elsewhere as it expands! Today is the last day to enter my blogoversary giveaway!

**DISCLAIMER**  I was not paid for this review by anyone. I either purchased these polishes myself or were given gifts as friends because I could not find the particular shade I wanted myself.  I am not a professional nail tech, nor do I want to be. I'm just someone who enjoys polishing my own nails :)