I'm just gonna tell you upfront that I don't like this polish. I found it thick and goopy and unmanageable. That being said, I really want to like it because black+red is awesome in my book. I'm talking about China Glaze I Get Carried Away, one of the Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away collection recently out on store shelves. I've tried this polish several times over several different bases, and I always get the same result.
Here is it over Creative Fantasy. I do not like the way this looks at all. But it was enough to show me that this polish doesn't play well.
So I tried it over Igniting Love, the red creme from this collection. It looks marginally better over this polish, but still, it just doesn't look like it belongs.
I think my next step might be to try this over a grey color. Keep in mind, I've tried this over other colors, too, they were just not fit for other people's eyes! hahah Do you have this polish? Did you have a good experience with it if you have it?
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