It's really very odd. The cream and greens are super shiny. I'm certain the shimmer particles border on Glitter Herpes territory. But the blue is as matte as matte can be...although it doesn't look like it in the case.
I was prepared for how....pigmented the shadows were. I mean, the arm swatch was a quickie, but still. Especially the cream-colored one. It is super pigmented - but it's also chalky. My eye look for this palette isn't very good. It was WAY over done and very overdramatic...
DISCLAIMER: Some products used in this post were provided to me by the company for consideration. This blog is written and edited by me, and the opinions are not influenced in any way and are not compensated. I am not a professional nail tech, nor do I have any formal training in nail care. I'm just someone who likes to polish her nails :) Please read this post for more information.