Hey! :) So what's going on today??? Not much actually. Just offering you guys a comparison of coral creme polishes that I've accumulated that look alike haha
Compared here are Zoya Kara, Sinful Colors Boogies Nights, China Glaze High Hopes, which were all three purchased with my own money, and Deborah Lippmann Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, which I received through a previous relationship with Apothica.
Kara and High Hopes are near dupes of each other! Kara is just a smidge darker. Boogie Nights and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun are super close, as well. But none of the four of them are complete dupes. Do you guys have any of these?
As for the rest of this week - I've got some awesome posts coming up! As well as a giveaway for my 1000th post!!!! Holy moley - how amazing is that? I never would have thought I'd be here at this point.
Disclosure: The product[s] in this post was [were] provided to me using store credit for external work I provided. This blog is written and edited by me,
and the opinions are not influenced in any
way. Please read this post for more information.
Comparison of coral creme polishes
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
china glaze,
deborah lippmann,
sinful colors,