This February 27th, join us and other Freedom Fighters from around the world as we SHINE A LIGHT ON SLAVERY. Draw a RED X on your hand. Tell your world that slavery still exists and YOU WON’T STAND FOR IT. Just use your influence any way you can to help us carry the message of FREEDOM so even more people know. Let’s make this SHINE A LIGHT ON SLAVERY DAY even brighter than ever.I'm going to host a collab post for this event. How can you join? Put a red X on the back of your hand and send me a photo (along with your name and a blog/IG/FB page link - no personal FB profiles, please). Simple as that right? You can send the photo to It' that simple! Deadline for the photos is February 25. That way I'll have time to go thru and crop and get them ready for posting on February 27.
Will you join me? In the meantime, check out this video posted on End It's FB page.