A while back, I snagged this Wet n Wild beauty in a big CVS haul - I had some coupons and ExtraCare Bucks. I picked this up because I wanted to experiment with highlighting and bronzers!
I love the colors! I've mentioned before that I'm still on the newish end of full makeup, and bronzers and illuminating powders were a completely foreign concept to me a few years ago. This blog is living proof that you're never too old to learn!
Below are swatches of the four colors on my arm. Each of these is two swipes of color.
What do you think? Do you own any illuminating powder? What's your favorites? The price on this is around $4.29, I believe. It's available in full displays of Wet n Wild cosmetics :)
**DISCLAIMER** I was not paid for this review by anyone. I either purchased these products myself or was given it as a gift.