Dear Destany,
I'm not sure why you think you've got this blogging thing down. You totally suck, and no one wants to work with you. You only take selfies in your car, and you are constantly wearing the same shirt! And just look at your eyebrows.
Your brain
Dear brain,
Shut up.
Dear Destany,
No, seriously. Look at you! Your brows are completely out of control, and you really need to work on them. Oh wait, you're a beauty blogger, you should know this! Your nose looks weird, your lips are thin, and your forehead is, like, so big. I'm going to forego the inevitable joke and just say that you not only wear the same shirt a lot, but you always pair it with the same lipstick. You only take your photos from one angle! *sigh*
Your brain
Dear brain,
Shut up. I totally rock pairing the same shirt with the same lipstick. Even when my eyebrows aren't exactly perfect. And see? I do take pictures from the other angle.
Dear Destany,
Have I mentioned that you're fat? You're kind of clumsy, and sometimes your lipstick is way too bright. And speaking of lipstick, yours always looks like it's been put on by a toddler. I'd be remiss if I didn't share all this with you because you just don't see it. You are very optimistic about this blog and the things you do with it. But you're just not good at it. Maybe it's time you quit. I mentioned your lipstick is way too bright, right?
Your brain
Dear brain,
I've noticed you have nothing bad to say about my nails. At least this cat likes me. And look, I'm not wearing any makeup at all. And I'm wearing that shirt again!
I've had this conversation in my head a thousand times. Sometimes I seriously feel like I need to quit blogging. I think of all the time I've put into this blog, something that started out as a hobby, and I wonder if I've wasted the last 5 1/2 years. Have I? Have I wasted all this time? I don't think so. Sometimes I just need a break. I didn't post at all last week. It was almost like a cleanse.
Sometimes, I may take breaks. I may post sporatically. But I use that time to actually remember why I want to have this blog; why I put so much time and effort into it. And last week? It's helped me get back into it. A little bit anyway. Stay tuned - maybe something you like will pop up.
...and apparently, I really need to work on my eyebrows :) haha!
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