I've been on a small hiatus. Well, I've really been kind of been on hiatus for about a year. I've been blogging hit or miss the past few months. But it is what it is. I am starting a new job on Monday. I've not worked full-time, outside my home, for 9 years. It's going to be a big change. I've enjoyed the years I've spent as a SAHM, but it's time to move on and be a financial contributor in my household again. My son is going into junior high in the fall. IT WENT BY SO QUICKLY. I swear I was just dropping him off for his first day of Playschool. It goes by in a blink.
I'm going to take the rest of this week and prepare for the coming weeks. I have lots of good stuff to show you, like lipstick, nail polish and makeup, with some fun trips thrown in to spice stuff up - like my recent Me-Only venture to Wine and Canvas and shopping (which was odd to do Wine and Canvas alone). So yeah, come back next week. We'll have much more to offer!