As I sit here, hacking and coughing my way into the New Year, I've realized that I've neglected this blog for far too long. I don't make New Year's Resolutions. Well, I did once. But anyway - I decided this year I would make a relolution. To get back to blogging. I'm going to start off slow at first, just two times a week perhaps, but maybe, just maybe, I'll get the spark back.
A lot changed in 2017. I lost 50 lbs. I gained those 50lbs back. My son graduated from 6th grade and started junior high. I got a job. I got a perm. Let's back up to the weight loss. I'm so disappointed in myself for gaining the weight back. But I've got a plan for 2018, and I'm dragging my husband and son with me. Not so much a resolution, just a pledge to try to eat better and be more active. Just like I did to lose the weight the first time around.
I mentioned my job. I hadn't worked full-time outside my home since 2008. I had some part-time stuff pop up (I was secretary at my church for 4 years and I subbed at the local elementary school a fair bit), but going back to work full-time was something I wasn't sure I wanted to do. But a great job fell in my lap, and I'm really glad that I took the chance. The below two photos were taken in my office. It's got great lighting for selfies haha I've decided I'm going to start featuring my makeup looks on the blog. Since I have to put makeup on to go to work, I might as well make it work for me!
I mentioned my perm. Ugh. Below are pictures from when I loved my hair. As I've gotten older, my hair has gotten more contrary. I can't get it to do anything like the below pictures. Neither can my hairdresser. She's stumped. It's like my hair just decided one day to stick it's middle finger up and take a vacation. So I thought perhaps a body wave would help keep my hair from being so flat and lifeless right? Nah, I just constantly look like I've stuck my finger in a light socket.
But here's some fun photos. The one on the left is from when we took my 2-yr-old nephew Carson to Build-a-Bear. It was around Halloween, and how could I resist buying this adorable vampire bear? His name is Damon Salvatore. My husband swears I should have named him Stuffin Salvatore *rim shot* The picture of the right is me being silly, just sitting at home, wearing purple lipstick. Doesn't everyone else sit around in a full face of makeup with deep, gorgeous lips? hehe
I kind of like Snapchat. I don't really post anything, I just take photos and put filters on and send them to people. These are 2 of my favorites :) I think I look really good with black eyes and a nose ring! ;) I wish the eyelashes on the right were real life. I could use them every day.
So. Here we go again. I really want to start back to blogging, and I've got several things in the wings just sitting here waiting to be posted. Seriously. I've got 8 posts worth of stuff sitting in this blog just waiting. I just have to work my word magic. Here's hoping that comes easy.